65 Grand Canyon Quotes On Success In Life

These Grand Canyon quotes will inspire you. The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States.

Below you will find a collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging Grand Canyon quotes, Grand Canyon sayings, and Grand Canyon proverbs.

Best Grand Canyon Quotes

  1. “Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona. Not all holes, or games, are created equal.” ~ George Will
  2. “Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around – you’re traveling in order to be moved. And really what you’re seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you’re sleepwalking through your daily life.” ~ Pico Iyer
  3. “Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  4. “In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

  5. “The Grand Canyon is carven deep by the master hand; it is the gulf of silence, widened in the desert; it is all time inscribing the naked rock; it is the book of earth.” ~ Donald C. Peattie
  6. “We are all starved for the glory of God, not-self. No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem. Why do we go? Because there is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendor than there is in beholding self.” ~ John Piper
  7. “It’s like trying to describe what you feel when you’re standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon or remembering your first love or the birth of your child. You have to be there to really know what it’s like.” ~ Harrison Schmitt , Grand Canyon quotes love
  8. “The glories and the beauties of form, color, and sound unite in the Grand Canyon – forms unrivaled even by the mountains, colors that vie with sunsets, and sounds that span the diapason from tempest to tinkling raindrop; from cataract to bubbling fountain.” ~ John Wesley

  9. “In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world. I want to ask you to keep this great wonder of nature as it now is. I hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage, a hotel, or anything else, to mar the wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness, and beauty of the canyon. Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt , Grand Canyon quotes beauty
  10. “The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail.” ~ John Wesley Powell
  11. “I believe in science and evolution. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon.” ~ Bill Walton
  12. “Trying to fill the God-sized hole in our hearts with things other than God is like trying to fill the Grand Canyon with marbles.” ~ Peter Kreeft

  13. “Myths that need clarification: “No matter how many times you see the Grand Canyon, you are still emotionally moved to tears.” False. It depends on how many children the out-of-towners brought with them who kicked the back of your seat from Phoenix to Flagstaff and got their gum caught in your hair.” ~ Erma Bombeck
  14. “Majestic doesn’t appeal to us. We [Americans] like the Grand Canyon better with Clarence and Arlene parked in front of it, smiling.” ~ Garrison Keillor
  15. “The elements that unite to make the Grand Canyon the most sublime spectacle in nature are multifarious and exceedingly diverse.” ~ John Wesley Powell
  16. “Well, once you’ve been in the Canyon and once you’ve sort of fallen in love with it, it never ends…it’s always been a fascinating place to me, in fact, I’ve often said that if I ever had a mistress it would be the Grand Canyon.” ~ Barry Goldwater

  17. “I believe in evolution. But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also.” ~ John McCain
  18. “The really wonderful moments of joy in this world are not the moments of self-satisfaction, but self-forgetfulness. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and contemplating your own greatness is pathological. At such moments we are made for a magnificent joy that comes from outside ourselves.” ~ John Piper
  19. “The Grand Canyon is living evidence of the power of water over a period of time. The power may not manifest immediately. Water can be very powerful, like a tidal wave.” ~ Frederick Lenz
  20. “I don’t believe that anyone can see the Grand Canyon area for themselves and not know that we have to do everything we can to protect it for future generations.” ~ Nolan Gould

  21. “Maybe you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but like every American, you carry a deed to 635 million acres of public lands. That’s right. Even if you don’t own a house or the latest computer on the market, you own Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and many other natural treasures.” ~ John Garamendi
  22. “You cannot see the Grand Canyon in one view, as if it were a changeless spectacle from which a curtain might be lifted, but to see it you have to toil from month to month through its labyrinths.” ~ John Wesley Powell
  23. “Life is supposed to be a series of peaks and valleys. The secret is to keep the valleys from becoming Grand Canyons.” ~ Bernard Williams
  24. “I once met a man who said he had visited every exotic place from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall, but when I questioned him closely I discovered he hadn’t seen the songbirds in his own backyard.” ~ Richard Bode

  25. “The big, blazing truth about man is that he has a heaven-sized hole in his heart, and nothing else can fill it. We pass our lives trying to fill the Grand Canyon with marbles. As Augustine said: Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” ~ Peter Kreeft
  26. “We’ve got to step up our conservation efforts before it’s too late. We’re not protecting our lands and natural resources. Take the Grand Canyon for example; I’m sure that at one time it was a beautiful piece of land, and just look at the way we’ve let it go.” ~ Pat Paulsen
  27. “It doesn’t have to be the Grand Canyon, it could be a city street, it could be the face of another human being – Everything is full of wonder.” ~ A.C. Grayling
  28. “You know what your problem is, it’s that you haven’t seen enough movies – all of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.” ~ Steve Martin

  29. “Politicians wanted to mine the Grand Canyon for zinc and copper, and Theodore Roosevelt said no.” ~ Douglas Brinkley
  30. “If you are working, almost like with layers of the Grand Canyon, there’s history within those layers.” ~ Leonardo Drew
  31. “A doctor once told me I feel too much. I said, so does god. that’s why you can see the grand canyon from the moon.” ~ Andrea Gibson
  32. “With what you don’t know about me, I could just about fill the Grand Canyon.” ~ Kevin Smith

  33. “In fact, just about all the major natural attractions you find in the West- the Grand Canyon, the Badlands, the Goodlands, the Mediocrelands, the Rocky Mountains, and Robert Redford- were caused by erosion.” ~ Dave Barry
  34. “The Colorado River did not form the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was formed as the flood went down.” ~ Kent Hovind
  35. “Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.” ~ Don Marquis
  36. “I had a few fibroids removed, and they left me with a Grand Canyon of scar tissue in my uterus. The doctors weren’t sure I’d be able to reproduce. I was prepared for a rough road, and then out of nowhere we conceived.” ~ Holly Marie Combs

  37. “Every season has its peaks and valleys. What you have to try to do is eliminate the Grand Canyon.” ~ Andy Van Slyke
  38. “Climbing K2 or floating the Grand Canyon in an inner tube; there are some things one would rather have done than do.” ~ Edward Abbey
  39. “All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.” ~ Steve Martin
  40. “I believe in a benevolent God not because He created the Grand Canyon or Michelangelo, but because He gave us snacks.” ~ Paul Rudnick

  41. “I think everybody should just turn off their TV machines and make up their own songs about whatever comes to a mind-their couch, their friends their loaves of bread. Everybody’s got their own songs. There should be so many songs out there that it all turns into one big sound and we can put the whole thing into a pickup truck and let it roll off the edge of the Grand Canyon.” ~ Beck
  42. “The most refined skills of color printing, the intricate techniques of wide-angle photography, provide us pictures of trivia bigger and more real than life. We forget that we see trivia and notice only that the reproduction is so good. Man fulfills his dream and by photographic magic produces a precise image of the Grand Canyon. The result is not that he adores nature or beauty the more. Instead, he adores his camera – and himself.” ~ Daniel J. Boorstin
  43. “The difference between a healthy environment and an unhealthy environment can be summed up in one word, and it’s not ‘CO2’ or ‘climate’ or ‘temperature.’ It’s ‘development.’ […] Whether you’re drinking clean drinking water, listening to a thunderstorm with pleasure instead of fear, or going to the Grand Canyon, you should be thanking Big Coal, Big Oil, and Big Gas.” ~ Alex Epstein
  44. “Bergeron’s epitaph for the planet, i remember, which he said should be carved in big letters in a wall of the grand canyon for the flying-saucer people to find was this: WE COULD HAVE SAVED IT, BUT WE WERE TOO DOGGONE CHEAP. only he didn’t say “doggone.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

  45. “What can be more soul-shaking than peering through a 100-inch telescope at a distant galaxy, holding a 100-million-year-old fossil or a 500,000-year-old stone tool in one’s hand, standing before the immense chasm of space and time that is the Grand Canyon, or listening to a scientist who gazed upon the face of the universe’s creation and did not blink?” ~ Michael Shermer
  46. “The grand canyon which yawns between the writer’s concept of what he wants to capture in words and what comes through is a cruel abyss.” ~ Fannie Hurst
  47. “If you’re ever if you’re ever thinking, “Oh, but I’m a waste of space and I’m a burden,” remember: that also describes the Grand Canyon. Why don’t you have friends and family take pictures of you from a safe distance? Revel in your majestic profile?” ~ Maria Bamford
  48. “When the last living thing Has died on account of us, How poetical it would be If Earth could say, In a voice floating up Perhaps From the floor Of the Grand Canyon, “It is done.” People did not like it here.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

  49. “But to carve the Grand Canyon, Earth required millions of years. To excavate Meteor Crater, the universe, using a sixty-thousand-ton asteroid traveling upward of twenty miles per second, required a fraction of a second. No offense to Grand Canyon lovers, but for my money, Meteor Crater is the most amazing natural landmark in the world.” ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson
  50. “I have permits to be the first person in the world to walk across the Grand Canyon so that’s a process we’ll start working on. I’d say within three to five years I’ll accomplish that as well.” ~ Nik Wallenda
  51. “What they [Jim DeMint and the oil lobby] do care about is the precedent. If they open up ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), they’ll think they can do anything to the environment – anything at all. Drilling in Yosemite? In the Grand Canyon? What’s next?” ~ Barbara Boxer
  52. “A rill in a barnyard and the Grand Canyon represents, in the main, stages of valley erosion that began some millions of years apart.” ~ George Gaylord Simpson

  53. “As a ballplayer, (Dizzy) Dean was a natural phenomenon, like the Grand Canyon or the Great Barrier Reef. Nobody ever taught him baseball and he never had to learn. He was just doing what came naturally when a scout named Don Curtis discovered him on a Texas sandlot and gave him his first contract.” ~ Red Smith
  54. “All right, cupcakes. You are about to see the Grand Canyon. Try not to break it. The skywalk can hold the weight of seventy jumbo jets, to you featherweights should be safe out there. If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge, as that would cause me extra paperwork.” ~ Rick Riordan
  55. “There’s a grand-canyon-sized gulf between explanation and experience.” ~ Jad Abumrad
  56. “In golf, ‘close’ is like the north and south rim of the Grand Canyon.” ~ Johnny Miller

  57. “Working with Jack [Nicholson] is sort of like standing in front of the Grand Canyon.” ~ Diane Keaton
  58. “As for the flood carving Grand Canyon, why don’t they explain to us why the top of the Canyon is 4,000ft higher than where the river (Colorado River) enters the canyon? Why don’t they explain to us how rivers miraculously flowed uphill for millions of years to finally cut the groove deep enough so they could flow downhill?” ~ Kent Hovind
  59. “If you understood a business perfectly and the future of the business, you would need very little in the way of a margin of safety. So, the more vulnerable the business is, assuming you still want to invest in it, the larger margin of safety you’d need. If you’re driving a truck across a bridge that says it holds 10,000 pounds and you’ve got a 9,800-pound vehicle, if the bridge is 6 inches above the crevice it covers, you may feel okay, but if it’s over the Grand Canyon, you may feel you want a little larger margin of safety.” ~ Warren Buffett
  60. “We didn’t have a generation gap, we had a generation Grand Canyon.” ~ Mary Brave Bird

  61. “Just sit tight. Reinforcements should be here soon. Hopefully, nothing happens before-” Lightning crackled overhead. The wind picked up with a vengeance. Worksheets flew into the Grand Canyon, and the entire bridge shuddered. Kids screamed, stumbling and grabbing the rails. “I had to say something,” Hedge grumbled. He bellowed into his megaphone: “Everyone inside! The cow says moo! Off the skywalk!” “I thought you said this thing was stable!” Jason shouted over the wind. “Under normal circumstances,” Hedge agreed, “which these aren’t.” ~ Rick Riordan
  62. “Law Number XXXVI: The thickness of the proposal required to win a multimillion-dollar contract is about one millimeter per million dollars. If all the proposals conforming to this standard were piled on top of each other at the bottom of the Grand Canyon it would probably be a good idea.” ~ Norman Ralph Augustine
  63. “The game is full of peaks and valleys, the key is to avoid the Grand Canyon.” ~ Andy Van Slyke

  64. “Places come to exist in our imaginations because of stories, and so do we. When we reach for a “sense of place,” we posit an intimate relationship to a set of stories connected to a particular location, such as Hong Kong or the Grand Canyon or the bed where we were born, thinking of histories and the evolution of personalities in a local context. Having “a sense of self” means possessing a set of stories about who we are and with whom and why.” ~ William Kittredge
  65. “I had so much fun touring the Grand Canyon area with the Sierra Club. I love to get outdoors and enjoy nature. We went kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, and even rode mules. To do all these things in one of the most stunning natural areas in the world just made it more amazing. I don’t believe that anyone can see the Grand Canyon area for themselves and not know that we have to do everything we can to protect it for future generations.” ~ Nolan Gould

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