38 Mind Boggling Quotes On Success In Life

These mind boggling quotes will inspire you. Mind boggling, having a very powerful or overwhelming effect on the mind or overwhelming; startling.

A collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging mind boggling quotes, mind boggling sayings, and mind boggling proverbs.

Best Mind Boggling Quotes

  1. “The hoopla with all the award season is kind of mind-boggling. It kind of puts you on your heels.” ~ Jeff Bridges
  2. “The Internet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhoea – massive, difficult to re-direct, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it.” ~ Gene Spafford
  3. “I did know that the book would end with a mind-boggling trial, but I didn’t know exactly how it would turn out. I like a little suspense when I am writing, too.” ~ James Patterson
  4. “Going to Peru is, well, if you ever have an opportunity in your life to go there, you should do it because it is absolutely mind boggling.” ~ Dean Stockwell

  5. “When you start thinking about taking pictures, sending an e-mail, receiving an e-mail, speaking into your phone and have it transcript voice into text and then sent as an e-mail, it’s mind-boggling.” ~ Steve Largent
  6. “Rather than seeing ourselves as insignificant specks in the immensity of the cosmos, we can consider that immensity an indicator of our worth. It seems the Creator invested a great deal-a universe of 50 billion trillion stars, plus a hundred times more matter, all fine-tuned to mind-boggling precision-for us. If not for the strength and abundance of evidence in support of that notion, it would seem the height of arrogance. Humility demands that we take a deeper and wider look at that evidence.” ~ Hugh Ross
  7. “If God so precisely and carefully and lovingly and amazingly constructed a mind-boggling habitat for his creatures, then it would be natural for Him to want them to explore it, to measure it, to investigate it, to appreciate it, to be inspired by it – and ultimately, and most importantly, to find Him through it.” ~ Lee Strobel
  8. “The truth is, the notion that gay marriage is harmful to marriage, is sort of mind-boggling, because these are people trying to get married. But it seems to me, if you want to defend marriage against something, defend it against divorce.” ~ Cokie Roberts

  9. “There’s a level of sophistication of filmmaking that’s mind-boggling. Anything you need for your movie, there’s an establishment that can make it happen really fast.” ~ Ang Lee
  10. “As humans, no matter our level of understanding, we are very complex beings with very complex thoughts. There are ideas that each of us have within our heads that are so different from each other it is mind boggling.” ~ Matthew Carter
  11. “Combining quantum entanglement with wormholes yields mind boggling results about black holes. But I don’t trust them until we have a theory of everything which can combine quantum effects with general relativity. i.e. we need to have a full blown string theory resolve this sticky question.” ~ Michio Kaku
  12. “It’s just that it’s mind-boggling to me how many people I encounter every day who are struggling to subsist on a diet of bad advice about fake solutions to nonexistent problems.” ~ Merlin Mann

  13. “Theres a tremendous amount of work building the apparatus, getting the experiment to work. But sitting there late at night in the lab, and knowing light is going at bicycle speed, and that nobody in the history of mankind has ever been here before – that is mind-boggling. Its worth everything.” ~ Lene
  14. “I think in some cases, a penny is nothing compared to the kind of numbers. Then you get to fraud, waste and abuse, Sean. I mean, the fraud and the waste and the abuse, which everybody agrees if you can solve that problem, but it’s, you know, mind-boggling the kind of numbers.” ~ Donald Trump
  15. “I’m a moderate Democrat. I’ve always been fascinated and maddened by the way things get done in our system, which as an ideal is so extraordinary, but the way it actually works can be mind-boggling.” ~ Tony Goldwyn
  16. “I was excited about working with Richard Gere. Oh, and Joan Allen! Oh, my God, she is such a force of nature, it’s mind boggling.” ~ Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa

  17. “It’s kind of strange to be a free soloist when you know so much about flying, because I’m playing two opposite games, or practicing two polar opposite arts. One is the art of not falling. The other one is flying. With both those things spinning in my mind, there’s a lot to process and it’s pretty mind-boggling.” ~ Dean Potter
  18. “The virgin birth has never been a major stumbling block in my struggle with Christianity; it’s far less mind boggling than the Power of all Creation stooping so low as to become one of us.” ~ Madeleine L’Engle
  19. “I’ve had friends get mad at me for not posting what they think I should post on Instagram on behalf of them or our relation. I’ve had people question my “integrity” based off of something I didn’t post on social media, the list goes on. It’s mind boggling.” ~ Aeriel Miranda
  20. “I don’t know what to think of the money. It’s kind of mind-boggling. I come from a middle-class, blue-collar family. We’ve never really had money.” ~ Pat Burrell

  21. “Teaching high school in an inner-city school is not an easy task. Every teacher is responsible for 150 teenagers. The amount of work is just mind-boggling. Remember, you’re not just doing a job. You have these kids’ futures in your hand; you have to inspire them.” ~ Tony Danza
  22. “The powered flight took a total of about eight and a half minutes. It seemed to me it had gone by in a lash. We had gone from sitting still on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center to traveling at 17,500 miles an hour in that eight and a half minutes. It is still mind-boggling to me. I recall making some statement on the air-to-ground radio for the benefit of my fellow astronauts, who had also been in the program a long time, that it was well worth the wait.” ~ Robert Crippen
  23. “Look, I’m just this kid from Toronto who got his start in school plays. I still live with my folks who make me mow the grass and take the garbage out. Then one day, I’m on this multimillion dollar set surrounded by R2D2 and C3PO. Every nuance was surreal. The saber. A thrill. The outfit and cloak? Mind-boggling. Meeting R2D2. An out-of-body experience.” ~ Hayden Christensen
  24. “The tenacity of life is mind-boggling. We keep finding it where no one thought it could be.” ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

  25. “Everyone’s sex life is funny except your own. Every person’s is, and yours never is. The lengths people go to — and the extremes and the conditions and the mental exercises and guilt and shame and happiness that everybody goes through — and what they’ll do for sex is never-ending and mind-boggling and very interesting to me. And I don’t think a lot of times people choose any of it.” ~ John Waters
  26. “Oh my, I’ve just discovered what science shows us about our humble but spectacular place in the universe, and I have to say: it is thrilling and mind-boggling beyond all imaginings! It makes the Bible so puny and uninspired, and certainly less poetic, by comparison. I’m terribly sorry. I sincerely misunderstood so much. I almost wish there were a God so I could be punished for all the suffering I have obliviously caused in the world. But since there will be no cosmic punishment for me, I will spend what time I have left working in a family planning clinic in Latin America. Good day.” ~ Julia Sweeney
  27. “What I’ve done serves mostly to show that nearly all limits are self-imposed, a false construct of the mind. You can take on mind-boggling challenges. It may cause you grief, it may test your relationships and cause you to question your sanity, but you can do it! Yes, a fifty-seven year-old man can run across the United States and break a couple or records in the process. People of any age can accomplish what few others have done; we can endure the trials, overcome the obstacles, put up with the pain to realize our dreams. Why not try?” ~ Marshall Ulrich
  28. “The sheer magnitude of Speaker Pelosis spending spree is mind boggling. Most of us do not use the number 1,000,000,000,000 in our daily lives, so it is difficult to attach tangible value to the figure.” ~ Geoff Davis

  29. “It’s mind-boggling to consider that movies this bad are actually committed to film. The poor quality of The Pest in almost every category – humor, intelligence, creativity, and just plain entertainment value – ranks it somewhere between a bad infomercial and a local cable newscast. Rarely do I consider the act of seeing a movie to be a chore, but this kind of experience is the exception.” ~ James Berardinelli
  30. “We draw many benefits from globalization that people take for granted. Poverty has been reduced massively around the world. If you look at the Chinese numbers, it is quite mind-boggling: 700 million people taken out of poverty in a matter of 40 years, the poverty rate having moved from over 30 per cent from hardly six per cent now. That would not have happened if there had not been globalization.” ~ Christine Lagarde
  31. “If we could travel into the past, it’s mind-boggling what would be possible. For one thing, history would become an experimental science, which it certainly isn’t today. The possible insights into our own past and nature and origins would be dazzling. For another, we would be facing the deep paradoxes of interfering with the scheme of causality that has led to our own time and ourselves. I have no idea whether it’s possible, but it’s certainly worth exploring.” ~ Carl Sagan
  32. “The state of radio is not great. It’s like playing the lottery. The chances of hitting are mind boggling slim.” ~ Teddy Thompson

  33. “We need to remember that the first disciples were ordinary men called to an extraordinary mission. Their devotion to Jesus outweighed- by hair- their fears and insecurities. As a result God change them and use them to accomplish some mind-boggling things. Why couldn’t God – why wouldn’t God do the same in your life?” ~ Max Lucado , Mind boggling quotes about life
  34. “How do these people have any credibility? How do they get away with this?  It’s mind-boggling that its gotten to a point where the EPA is dictating policy based on what is an obvious fraud, or if you want to be gentle about it, creates enough doubt to back off.” ~ Joe Bastardi
  35. “I want people to help me re-anchor the church to undeniable, mind-boggling, culture-shifting demonstration of compassion and generosity. Because generosity was the hallmark of the early church.” ~ Andy Stanley

  36. “I’ve nothing against eye make-up and lipstick. But the fact is that we’re actually living on a planet in space. For me that’s an extraordinary thought. It’s mind-boggling just to think about the existence of space at all. But there are girls who can’t see the universe for eyeliner.” ~ Jostein Gaarder
  37. “I’ve seen young men in college going into the NFL and then bite the cheese that’s in the trap. They’ll throw you a pair of Jordans or a moneybag for their services. It’s in that moment where most compromise. This business is unforgivable, and you got a bunch of sharks out there. It’s mind-boggling that universities don’t prepare athletes for what they’re going to experience.” ~ Eddie George
  38. “Books on scientific photography with such beauty, breadth, and insight are rare. Felice Frankel’s Envisioning Science is chock full of mind-boggling images and valuable information–not only for curious artists, students, and lay people, but also for seasoned researchers and photographers. The eclectic Frankel is both a scientist and photographer, and with the cold logic of the one and the inspired vision of the other, she covers an array of topics sure to stimulate your imagination and sense of wonder at the incredible vastness of the physical world.” ~ Clifford A. Pickover

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