Inspirational Women Quotes On Men, Being Strong

These women quotes will inspire you. Women are not just the ones who are in charge of the house, but also the ones who make sure that their husbands and children have a good life. They are always there to help out when needed. They are strong women because they know how to handle any situation. Women entrepreneur’s role model for all women.

A collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging women quotes, women sayings, and women proverbs.

Best Women Quotes

  1. “Next to God we are indebted to women, first for life itself, and then for making it worth living.” ~ Mary McLeod Bethune
  2. “Honor women! they entwine and weave heavenly roses in our earthly life.” ~ Friedrich Schiller
  3. “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” ~ Brigham Young
  4. “Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not.” ~ Albert Einstein

  5. “Elegance is a statement, an attitude. Elegant women are women of character with confidence.” ~ Elie Saab , Confident women quotes
  6. “If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business.” ~ Gail Dines
  7. “Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.” ~ Robert Bloch
  8. “We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.” ~ Kavita Ramdas

  9. “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
  10. “Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men.” ~ Joseph Conrad
  11. “A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.” ~ Arnold Haultain
  12. “I do not wish women to have power over men, but over themselves.” ~ Mary Wollstonecraft

  13. “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” ~ Melinda Gates , Strong proud women quotes
  14. “Where there is a woman there is magic.” ~ Ntozake Shange
  15. “The world is the book of women. Whatever knowledge they may possess is more commonly acquired by observation than by reading.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  16. “It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating.” ~ Katharine Hepburn

  17. “The male – I have found – is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things.” ~ Jilly Cooper
  18. “I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.” ~ Sofia Vergara
  19. “A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
  20. “It is God who makes woman beautiful, it is the devil who makes her pretty.” ~ Victor Hugo

  21. “There are only two types of women – goddesses and doormats.” ~ Pablo Picasso
  22. “A woman is a dish for the gods if the devil dress her not.” ~ William Shakespeare
  23. “Offend her, and she knows not to forgive; Oblige her, and she’ll hate you while you live.” ~ Alexander Pope
  24. “Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.” ~ George Carlin

  25. “Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.” ~ Paris Hilton
  26. “You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.” ~ Erica Jong
  27. “A woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows.” ~ Nicolas Chamfort
  28. “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.” ~ Coco Chanel

  29. “A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned a car.” ~ Carrie Snow
  30. “I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.” ~ Whitney Houston , Women quotes about men
  31. “No man who respects his mother or loves his sister can speak disparagingly of any woman; however low she may seem to have sunk, she is still a woman. I want every man to remember this. Every woman is, or, at some time, has been a sister or daughter.” ~ Victoria Woodhull
  32. “Love, the poet said, is woman’s whole existence.” ~ Virginia Woolf

  33. “The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” ~ Mary McLeod Bethune
  34. “Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Since few women ever pass 40, maximum fascination can continue indefinitely.” ~ Christian Dior
  35. “I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak.” ~ Lillian Hellman
  36. “Woman is superlative; the best leader in life, the best guide in happy days, the best consoler in sorrow.” ~ Johann Gottfried Seume

  37. “If women ran the world, we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.” ~ Robin Williams
  38. “Women only nag when they feel unappreciated.” ~ Louis de Bernieres
  39. “Curve: The loveliest distance between two points.” ~ Mae West
  40. “The taste forever refines in the study of women.” ~ Nathaniel Parker Willis

  41. “It’s called civilization. Women invented it, and every time you men blow it all to bits, we just invent it again.” ~ Orson Scott Card
  42. “There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart.” ~ Melanie Griffith
  43. “It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.” ~ Tallulah Bankhead
  44. “That woman speaks eighteen languages, and can’t say ‘No’ in any of them.” ~ Dorothy Parker

  45. “Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.” ~ Albert Einstein
  46. “You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters?” ~ Bob Marley
  47. “I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man.” ~ George Meredith
  48. “Sensibility is the power of woman.” ~ Johann Kaspar Lavater

  49. “For the nature of a women is closely allied to art.
    [Ger., Denn das Naturell der Frauen
    Ist so nah mit Kunst verwandt.]” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  50. “A woman at 20 is like ice, at 30 she is warm and at 40 she is hot.” ~ Gina Lollobrigida
  51. “If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead.” ~ Erma Bombeck
  52. “I’d marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he’d be dead within a year.” ~ Bette Davis

  53. “I’m just a person trapped inside a woman’s body.” ~ Elayne Boosler
  54. “Until women assume their rightful place on earth there will never be an end to wars, cruelty and oppression.” ~ Frederick Lenz
  55. “Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.” ~ H. L. Mencken
  56. “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” ~ Roseanne Barr

  57. “It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union…. Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less” ~ Susan B. Anthony
  58. “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” ~ Madeleine Albright
  59. “Men know that women are an overmatch for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or the most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves.” ~ Samuel Johnson
  60. “Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.” ~ Erica Jong

  61. “In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
  62. “A woman in love is a very poor judge of character.” ~ J. G. Holland
  63. “Why are women… so much more interesting to men than men are to women?” ~ Virginia Woolf

  64. “You sometimes have to answer a woman according to her womanliness, just as you have to answer a fool according to his folly.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
  65. “Pretty women without religion are like flowers without perfume.” ~ Heinrich Heine

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